all boundaries are conventions

i haven't been posting in forever! apologies to whoever still checks back, school has been hectic. here's a quick update on a recent event - CTNx! i was freaking out and squealing like crazy inside the whole time because of all the crazy good work and artists i met.

some loot from CTN. the amount of amazing artists this year was incredible.

a print and buttons from Mike Yamada and Victoria Ying!

i totally regret not bring my copy of Chop Suey for her to sign, but i got her latest collaboration book Catra which was still awesome. 

a tiny sketchbook gem from Nicolas Marlet, a Dreamworks character designer. he worked on stuff like Kung Fu panda and How To Train Your Dragon.

a couple of silent graphic novels from Federico Bertolucci. 
beautifully drawn animal-centered stories aren't they? *v*

a print and art book from Pascal Campion! i think this was my highlight of the day - i can't believe i had an actual conversation with him! and he saw my sketchbook -barely filled and with anything of substance at all oh god why did i do that?!?!?!- but he was a really nice person and i felt so encouraged after. 
talking to an artist I admire was intimidating at first, but it got better. 
i hope i didn't come off as some crazy girl to the artists i met, i think i was wearing a psychotic grin on my face the whole time. but seriously, the whole event was a really good experience. meeting industry professionals and seeing the work of other hopefuls like yourself is like a huge reality check. you understand how much better you need to be, how much more you need to push yourself in order to get up there. 

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